I began harvesting watermelon yesterday. So far I estimate about 300 lbs has been picked along with 1 cantaloupe and 4 pumpkins.
One of the Crimson Sweet watermelons has been cut and it tastes sweet. It weighed about 26 lbs. Studying watermelon lemonade recipes and need to find the blender.
Here is a picture of the largest watermelon I have growing so far. I estimate it is at 30 pounds and 24 inches long. It is still growing so maybe it will reach 40 pounds. The garden also as some large Crimson Sweet melons. The southern garden is doing very well right now. The one to the north, the melons are stunted and three have rotted so far out of the 12 or so in the garden.
The pumpkins have started to get ripe after a fungus (white powder splotches) on the leaves appeared and killed the plants. This is way too early for Halloween but I am happy that I got a least 4 pumpkins to mature to basketball size.
The Concord grapes were lost to deer. They seemed to have acquired a taste for ripe grapes and even took the grapes off the plant close to the garage.